2025 Annual Awards Program

Please utilize the 2024 template; we will update to 2025 when all submissions have been uploaded.

We are excited to announce the 2025 Annual Design & Practitioner Awards Program. Please save the date: April 25, 2025 in Utica, NY. It will be a fun weekend full of celebration, connection, and learning. 

We have made some meaningful updates to our awards program this year. To better align ourselves with ASLA National and other chapters, we now have two build design categories: small-scale and large-scale built work. Additionally, to recognize the important climate action work so many of our members do, award applicants can opt-in to be considered for the Climate Action Green Ribbon award! Project submissions are due March 7th.

Nominations for the Practitioner and Student Awards are due by February 14th. Please nominate someone today. Categories this year include:

  • Distinguished Practitioner (Academic, Private Sector, Public or Not-for-Profit Sector)

  • Emerging Practitioner (less than 10 years of practice)

  • Distinguished Student (both Cornell and SUNY-ESF)

Key dates:

  • Project submission deadline - March 7th

  • Practitioner nominations - February 21st 

If you have any questions or issues, contact awardsnyupstateasla@gmail.com

New York Upstate Chapter Design Awards Program

The New York Upstate Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects established the Professional Awards Program to encourage the participation and recognition of Landscape Architects and to better familiarize the public with their activities and projects.  The program recognizes a full spectrum of innovative projects and efforts executed by individuals, firms, agencies, and academic institutions.  Entries are judged by a multidisciplinary jury from outside the NY Upstate Chapter of ASLA.

The Honor Award of Excellence and Merit Award of Achievement are granted in the professional categories of Built Design; Unbuilt Design; Residential Design; Planning & Analysis; Research & Communication, and Historic Preservation. 

Distinguished Practitioner & Student Awards Program

This chapter program annually recognizes outstanding individual practitioners for their achievements  in the Academic, Public, Private sectors as well as Students from participating colleges and universities. Biennially, we either recognize an individual that has had a profound impact on the practice of Landscape Architecture within the Upstate New York Chapter or an emerging practitioner of less than 10 years within the industry whose impact is up and coming.