As part of the SUNY ESF Dept. of Landscape Architecture Professional Practice course, and to support department-wide interest, we would like to invite you and your colleagues to participate in student portfolio reviews and a 'career fair' to be held both in person and virtually in February. Our students were able to connect with many of you last semester, which was a wonderful experience for them - thank you once again to those who were part of this!
For those in relative proximity to Syracuse:
Monday February 10th In-Person Portfolio Reviews + 'Landscape Architecture Career Fair' @ Nifkin Lounge in Marshall Hall, 8:30am - 2pm
We will hold space for portfolio reviews in one area and 'interviews' in another. On this day we will be hosting Torey Carter Coneen, CEO of National ASLA. Torey is interested in meeting our students, faculty, and local practitioners / chapter members. Happenings that day [times are somewhat approximate]:
8:30am - 2pm portfolio reviews / interviews. These will be available for all students in our department to sign up for.
12pm informal luncheon with Torey in Nifkin during reviews/ interviews.
2-4:30pm tour of facilities, stop by studios, possibly other activities. Most studios are held concurrently during this time. If interested in this please let me know.
5:30 - 6:30 Torey Carter-Coneen lecture in Nifkin. All are invited and encouraged to attend.
7pm+ evening meal with Torey, details TBD. Let me know if you would like to attend dinner.
We will arrange visitor parking passes in the P22 Lot and will be in touch with further details. There are loading zones near Nifkin that can be used as needed. If there are any other questions please let us know.
For those who are farther afield:
Week of February 17th Virtual Portfolio Reviews + 'Landscape Architecture Career Fair' interviews.
We would be happy to host these during class on Monday, February 17th, from 8:30 - 11:30am, plus appointments during other days / times of the week, depending on your availability.
You can choose to participate in portfolio reviews, interviews, or both - students benefit from all of this, and our department is grateful for the generosity of your time and insights. The portfolio reviews in particular are an excellent way for students to receive feedback from practitioners about their 'first impression' portfolio materials. They really enjoy and benefit from meeting people in the field, like all of you. Anticipate that portfolio reviews are 15-minute meetings with students, and are intended as informal feedback. Anticipate that 'career fair' interviews are 30-minute appointments for those interested in available positions. Note that these events are intended as a supplemental, landscape architecture-focused series to the campus-wide career fair held during the week of 2/10; some students may attend both.
Please use this sign-up sheet to indicate your availability for either the in-person events on 2/10 or virtual events during the week of 2/17. Please indicate your name, firm, and type of meeting ['portfolios', 'interviews', or 'both']. Meetings can be concurrent with others. Students will have the ability to sign up for appointment slots during times marked as available.