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Central Section 2021 Kick-off

Bill Elliot, the Central Section Chair, would like to extend a warm invitation to members of the section for a 2021 Central Section Kick-off, to be held Thursday, February 18th at 7:00 PM. The kick-off will be a forum to discuss section events in the coming year, and will provide an opportunity to receive your feedback/suggestions on topics that are of interest to you. There also might be a sneak peek of events in the works at the Chapter level!

In lieu of meeting in person, the kick-off will be a virtual event. Central Section ASLA members, keep an eye on your Inboxes during the week of February 8th for call-in information. Since we can't gather in person for snacks and libations, you'll be receiving some fun recipes for hors d'oeuvres, cocktails, and mocktails ahead of the kick-off. You're invited to try them out and enjoy them as we talk about the year ahead in the Central Section!

Questions—contact Bill at