Interested in joining LARE Study Groups? Plus, Share your Study Materials!

Interested in joining LARE Study Groups? Plus, Share your Study Materials!

The Emerging Professionals Committee is organizing LARE study groups, which will begin in January 2022. The study groups will be in a virtual format with regular meeting dates where we will share advice on the different sections of the exams, grant shared access to materials, and create a support group for those preparing for their exams. If you are planning to take your exams during 2022, let us know by filling out this form: NYUASLA members and non-members alike are welcome to join the study groups - though membership is encouraged! Spread the word among your colleagues and we look forward to helping you pass the exams to gain licensure.

NYUASLA members are encouraged to share their LARE exam study materials with the Emerging Professionals Committee as we organize the LARE study groups. If you took the exams, ideally within the past 5-10 years, and prepared flash cards, have any digital study materials, or have any of the recommended study books that you are no longer using, please send them our way so that we can make them available to members of the NYUASLA Emerging Professional Committee's LARE study groups. Making study materials more accessible is one way we can support emerging professionals in passing their exams.

If there are any questions about sending your study materials, please reach out to Kate Chesebrough at