Are you ready for WLAM?

Firms are invited to “take over” the NY Upstate ASLA Chapter’s Instagram handle in celebration of World Landscape Architecture Month this coming April. Firms will have the opportunity to share up to 6 posts on the chapter’s Instagram feed and create unlimited Instagram stories.

New this year is the opportunity to compete to have your firm’s post showcased on the National ASLA account. Chapters are being asked to share posts that represents the phrase: “This is Landscape Architecture”. Towards the end of the month of April, ASLA National will review everything that is posted (with WLAM Logo and tagged with #WLAM202) and choose the top 5 posts from chapters across the country based on most comments and likes. They will then repost the winning posts on their platform.

With the National ASLA competition, firms are strongly encouraged to develop creative posts that demonstrate what landscape architecture means to them.

If you are interested in participating, please reserve a spot on the calendar here:

Firms will be required to use specific WLAM branding (logo on posts and hashtags). ASLA National will be providing the WLAM Logo on 3/25, we will disseminate to our participants soon after. We encourage firms, however, to begin to develop content ASAP.

Please contact Emily Handelman at We will follow up with participants the week of 3/21.