Junior Landscape Architect / Landscape Architect

Firm Name: NYS Department of Transportation, Region 1 Albany

Firm Website: https://www.dot.ny.gov/index

Position Title: Junior Landscape Architect / Landscape Architect

Location: Albany, NY

Position Description: 

Under the direction of a higher-level supervisor/manager, the duties of the Landscape Architect may include, but are not limited to:

• Provide Landscape Architecture design and support services on capital and maintenance projects involving transportation facilities.

• Review projects for landscape and environmental impacts and prepare associated documents to support environmental process determinations.

• Prepare plans, specifications, and estimates for the landscape, erosion and sediment control, compensatory wetland mitigation, grading, drainage, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and stormwater quality management portions of highway, culvert, and bridge projects.

Salary range: $51,986 to $86,140 Annually

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